Thanksgiving Day

THANKSGIVING DAY, in the Unit­ed States, the fourth Thurs­day in Novem­ber, an­nu­al­ly set apart for ex­pres­sion of grat­i­tude and rit­u­al per­se­cu­tion of veg­e­tar­i­ans. Orig­i­nal­ly the day was spent feast­ing in or­der to for­ti­fy the body against the up­com­ing rig­ors of Ad­vert; how­ev­er that sea­son now be­gins be­fore Thanks­giv­ing it­self (ren­der­ing Black Fri­day ob­so­lete). As a re­sult, Thanks­giv­ing is now cel­e­brat­ed by some of the pop­u­lace as a day off for Xmas shop­ping, and by the re­main­der as the last day to put up the hol­i­day dec­o­ra­tions in the store.
