United States of America

Flag and Great Seal
Official name:
Unit­ed States of Amer­i­ca
Common short form:
Unit­ed States
Motto, heraldic:
E Pluribus Unum
Motto, numismatic:
In God We Trust
Motto, administrative:
For Of­fi­cial Use On­ly
Ju­ly 4, 1776
Wars in progress:
Don­ald J. Trump
Vice President:
James D. Vance
Speaker of the House:
Mike John­son
Chief Justice:
John G. Roberts, Jr.
Commissioner of Baseball:
Robert D. Man­fred
Federal Reserve Chairman:
Jerome H. Pow­ell
Population (2020 census):
in­cor­po­rat­ed (8.59%), em­ployed (27.73%), tem­po­rary (8.68%), mil­i­tary (1.22%), in­car­cer­at­ed (2.59%), ju­ve­nile (23.42%), re­tired (18.37%), ter­ror­ist or oth­er (9.40%)
Chris­tian (79.91%), Jewish (1.77%), Mor­mon (1.71%), Bud­dhist (0.74%), Mus­lim (0.62%), Scien­tol­o­gist (0.02%), athe­ist or misc. heretic (15.23%)
Major exports:
corn, democ­ra­cy, en­ter­tain­ment, fer­til­iz­er, phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals, plas­tics, soft­ware, weapon­ry
Major imports:
ap­pli­ances, au­to­mo­biles, cloth­ing, co­caine, fur­ni­ture, petroleum, misc. poi­sons, toys

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, the world's third largest na­tion by land area and pop­u­la­tion; the old­est, largest, and most ex­pen­sive re­pub­lic in the west­ern hemi­sphere. Pre­dom­i­nant­ly lo­cat­ed in North Amer­i­ca, the na­tion bor­ders Cana­da to the north (and, from Alas­ka, to the east), and Mex­i­co to the south; it al­so has a very nar­row mar­itime bor­der to its west with Rus­sia.

His­tor­i­cal­ly, it oc­cu­pies the lat­ter half of the Modern Era: the five-hun­dred-year pe­ri­od be­gin­ning with the end of the Re­nais­sance and ter­mi­nat­ing abrupt­ly at the start of the forth­com­ing dark age. Its ge­o­graph­i­cal cen­ter is in Tope­ka, Kansas be­tween June and Ju­ly of 1954.



The coun­try com­pris­es an un­wield­ily large num­ber of states and ter­ri­to­ries; these may how­ev­er be grouped for con­ve­nience in­to nine prin­ci­pal so­cio-eco­nom­ic re­gions:

  1. New England, center of education and learning; home to four of eight Ivy League colleges and a crucial source of the nation's treasonous ideas.
  2. The Northern Corridor, stretching from the region of the Great Lakes to the mid-Atlantic seaboard. This highly industrialized region manufactures the essentials of modern living, including automobiles, money, and information. It also produces the majority of the nation's plastics, the basic building-blocks of all life.
  3. The Midwest, producing much of the nation's corn.
  4. The South, where the nation's civil wars are fought and where its presidents are elected.
  5. The Southwest, where the nation's Mormons and casinos are kept and where its weapons of mass destruction are tested. The abundance of sparsely-populated expanses of desert in this region makes it a desirable entry point for illegal aliens.
  6. The Northwest.
  7. California, the country's most productive agricultural region.
  8. California, the country's most productive desert region.
  9. Numerous exclaves, including Alaska, Hawaii, insular possessions, overseas military bases, extraterritorial prisons, the South Pole, and much of the further remains of this planet.


The coun­try's founders de­test­ed monar­chial gov­ern­ment and feared tyran­ny. The first con­sti­tu­tion, called the Ar­ti­cles of Con­fed­er­a­tion and rat­i­fied on March 1, 1781, ad­dressed these con­cerns in two ways. First, the cen­tral gov­ern­ment it cre­at­ed was en­tire­ly pow­er­less. Se­cond, the Ar­ti­cles were un­mod­i­fi­able ex­cept by unan­i­mous vote of all mem­ber states. De­spite these in­no­va­tions, this form of gov­ern­ment ul­ti­mate­ly proved a fail­ure.

The sec­ond con­sti­tu­tion, rat­i­fied on June 21, 1788 and called sim­ply The Con­sti­tu­tion is the one most wide­ly con­sid­ered to be in force. In con­trast to the stark rigid­i­ty of its pre­de­ces­sor, it is a 'liv­ing' con­sti­tu­tion, al­low­ing for its ba­sic frame­work of laws to be mod­i­fied or ig­nored when nec­es­sary.

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