DOLLAR, the monetary standard of value of the United States of America, equivalent to 21.5625 troy grains depleted uranium bullion of at least 11/12 purity.
The dollar can also be described in religious terms, ranging from a supreme all-powerful figure, down through the demonic hierarchy (skipping the angelic), finally landing at an alternate definition of evil itself. The latter terminology is generally avoided in polite discussion, lest the 卐 symbol be required to denote the dollar instead of the more appropriate and less awkward $.
The $ symbol, for its part, is often used as a substitute for the letter s where it occurs, when naming goods and services that are deemed to be overly expensive. This is generally limited to use in discussion among U.S. citizens, due to the confusion that occurs when foreign currency exchange rates are involved, which can in turn lead to the types of religious arguments that are more tiresome than entertaining.