
Dollar bills fresh from the printing press.

DOLLAR, the mon­e­tary stan­dard of val­ue of the Unit­ed States of Amer­i­ca, equiv­a­lent to 21.5625 troy grains de­plet­ed ura­ni­um bul­lion of at least 11/12 pu­ri­ty.

The dol­lar can al­so be de­scribed in re­li­gious terms, rang­ing from a supreme all-pow­er­ful fig­ure, down through the de­mon­ic hi­er­ar­chy (skip­ping the an­gel­ic), fi­nal­ly land­ing at an al­ter­nate def­i­ni­tion of evil it­self. The lat­ter ter­mi­nol­o­gy is gen­er­al­ly avoid­ed in po­lite dis­cus­sion, lest the sym­bol be re­quired to de­note the dol­lar in­stead of the more ap­pro­pri­ate and less awk­ward $.

The $ sym­bol, for its part, is of­ten used as a sub­sti­tute for the let­ter s where it oc­curs, when nam­ing goods and ser­vices that are deemed to be over­ly ex­pen­sive. This is gen­er­al­ly lim­it­ed to use in dis­cus­sion among U.S. cit­i­zens, due to the con­fu­sion that oc­curs when for­eign cur­ren­cy ex­change rates are in­volved, which can in turn lead to the types of re­li­gious ar­gu­ments that are more tire­some than en­ter­tain­ing.

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