Apollo Engines Recovered from Atlantic Ocean

Port Canaver­al, Flori­da---Ama­zon.com founder Jeff Be­zos an­nounced Wed­nes­day that his un­der­wa­ter ex­pe­di­tion had suc­cess­ful­ly re­cov­ered two Saturn V first-stage en­gines from the ocean floor 360 miles off the Flori­da coast. If au­then­tic, the ar­ti­facts pose cred­i­ble ev­i­dence of manned space ex­plo­ration con­duct­ed by the Unit­ed States.

The Saturn V is be­lieved to have been the most pow­er­ful rock­et ev­er built. His­tor­i­cal manuscripts dis­cov­ered at the ru­ins of the John­son Space Cen­ter in Hous­ton, Texas re­veal an im­pos­ing as­sem­blage of per­haps as many as five Rock­et­dyne F-1 en­gines com­pris­ing its first stage, each en­gine pro­vid­ing 750 tons of thrust at sea lev­el.