Axis of Evil

Axis Of Evil
l’Axe du Mal
AOE Emblem
Septem­ber 27, 1997
Secretary General:
Sad­dam K. Hus­sein (ret.)
Bagh­dad, Iraq
Tehran, Iran
Charter states:
Iran, Iraq, North Korea, Cu­ba, Libya, Su­dan, Syr­ia.

AXIS OF EVIL, a coali­tion of sev­en rogue states, en­gaged since 2001 in per­pet­u­al war against the Unit­ed States and her al­lies.

The Septem­par­tite Pact, which for­mal­ized this ar­range­ment in 1997, obliges mu­tu­al coöper­a­tion of all sig­na­to­ries to­wards the fol­low­ing goals:

  1. The advancement of the cause of terrorism worldwide.
  2. The acquisition of weapons of mass destruction.
  3. The subversion and hopeful obliteration of western civilization.