

1905 -- Cana­da con­tin­ues its re­lent­less shuf­fling of ter­ri­to­ry, cre­at­ing the two new provinces of Al­ber­ta and Saskatchewan.


1789 -- The young Unit­ed States of Amer­i­ca es­tab­lish­es a Trea­sury Depart­ment, hav­ing re­al­ized that mon­ey would even­tu­al­ly need to be dealt with.


1929 -- The Dow Jones In­dus­tri­al Aver­age clos­es at a record high of 381.17.


1998 -- Google gains life as a cor­po­rate en­ti­ty.


1945 -- First Cold War be­gins with the rev­e­la­tions of a Sovi­et whistle­blow­er.


2006 -- The Unit­ed States of­fi­cial­ly ad­ver­tis­es its glob­al CIA prison net­work, al­though it had been suc­cess­ful­ly op­er­at­ing for some time.


1778 -- France eas­i­ly takes the Caribbean is­land of Do­mini­ca from Bri­tain, who didn't know they were at war and as­sumed the in­vaders were on­ly vis­it­ing.


1966 -- Cel­e­bra­tion of the first In­ter­na­tion­al Lit­er­a­cy Day, a year­ly ob­ser­vance and as­sess­ment of the abil­i­ty's pres­ence and de­cline.


1850 -- Cal­i­for­nia joins the Unit­ed States, a con­di­tion that it has tried to rec­ti­fy in var­i­ous ways ev­er since.


2008 -- The Large Hadron Col­lid­er pow­ers up with­out in­ci­dent, to the dis­ap­point­ment of dooms­day the­o­rists.


2001 -- Begin­ning of per­pet­u­al war be­tween the Unit­ed States and the Ax­is of Evil.


1957 -- Estab­lish­ment of the North Amer­i­can Air De­fense Com­mand, most­ly known for track­ing San­ta Claus.


1968 -- The Sovi­et Union bids good rid­dance to Al­ba­nia, who quits the War­saw Pact due to mu­tu­al dis­dain and mis­trust while oth­er mem­bers look on en­vi­ous­ly.


1959 -- The Sovi­et craft Lu­na 2 be­comes the first piece of space junk on the Moon.


1935 -- Nazi Ger­many adopts the swasti­ka flag, ru­in­ing the sym­bol for ev­ery­one for­ev­er.


1987 -- Sign­ing of the Mon­tre­al Pro­to­col, ban­ning sub­stances which de­stroy the plan­et's ozone lay­er in fa­vor of sub­stances which re­sult in glob­al warm­ing.


2011 -- First day of a lengthy, crowd­ed oc­cu­pa­tion of a New York Ci­ty park sev­er­al blocks from Wall Street, to the vast ben­e­fit of near­by fast food es­tab­lish­ments.


1977 -- Voy­ager 1 probe pho­tographs Earth and the Moon in the same pic­ture, which is quick­ly pub­lished in an­oth­er at­tempt to si­lence skep­tics.


1959 -- Sovi­et Premier Khrushchev brings his fam­i­ly all the way to Cal­i­for­nia but is de­nied en­trance to Dis­ney­land.


2001 -- War on Ter­ror first used by U.S. Pres­i­dent Bush to name the on­go­ing strug­gle with the Ax­is of Evil. It would be re­named years lat­er to Overseas Contin­gen­cy Oper­a­tion, re­flect­ing its more dis­tant and episod­ic but still per­ma­nent na­ture.


1982 -- First In­ter­na­tion­al Day of Peace, still ob­served in many na­tions in­clud­ing those typ­i­cal­ly wag­ing war, as a nod to the al­ter­na­tive.


1965 -- The U.N. calls for an end to the war be­tween Pak­istan and In­dia. In a sep­a­rate de­vel­op­ment, war be­tween Pak­istan and In­dia ends.

1993 -- A con­sti­tu­tion­al cri­sis is sparked in Rus­sia when Pres. Boris Yeltsin and the Rus­sian par­lia­ment im­peach each oth­er. The re­sult­ing stand­off ends ten days lat­er with a for­mal tran­si­tion to Rus­sia's cur­rent oli­garch-based sys­tem of gov­ern­ment.


1122 -- The Con­cor­dat of Worms ends the in­vesti­ture con­tro­ver­sy be­tween Holy Ro­man Em­per­or Hen­ry Ⅴ and pope Cal­ix­tus Ⅱ⁺/Gre­go­ry Ⅷ⁻.


1906 -- Devil's Tow­er, Wyo. be­comes the first Unit­ed States Na­tion­al Mon­u­ment due to its unique ge­o­log­i­cal char­ac­ter­is­tics and suit­abil­i­ty for ex­trater­res­tri­al land­ing.


1690 -- The first Amer­i­can news­pa­per is pub­lished. It is shut down af­ter one is­sue by Bri­tish colo­nial au­thor­i­ties for con­tain­ing too much un­con­trolled in­for­ma­tion.


1580 -- Sir Fran­cis Drake re­turns to Eng­land af­ter com­plet­ing his world tour of ex­plo­ration and pira­cy.


1949 -- The de­sign for the flag of the Peo­ple's Repub­lic of Chi­na, re­mark­able for its stay­ing pow­er, is ap­proved.


1964 -- A gov­ern­ment re­port con­cludes that JFK's as­sas­si­na­tion was not a con­spir­a­cy, and is wide­ly ig­nored.


1789 -- The U.S. Congress ad­journs its first ses­sion. Hav­ing been gen­er­al­ly pro­duc­tive in this proof of con­cept, fur­ther ses­sions would be held with vary­ing de­grees of suc­cess.


1977 -- U.S. shuts off its Moon-based sci­en­tif­ic equip­ment due to lack of funds to pay the pow­er bill.