
Anežka NevopršálkováRevisionist

Anež­ka "neznám­ka" Nevo­pršálková was born in 1965 in the west­ern Mo­ra­vian vil­lage of Tržní Mas­ných, in what was then the Sovi­et re­pub­lic of Cze­choslo­vakia.  Her jour­nal­is­tic ca­reer be­gan in 1983 as an ap­pren­tice pro­pa­gan­dist for Rudé prá­vo, Prague’s largest news­pa­per.  Her tal­ent was quick­ly rec­og­nized and with­in two years she was giv­en her own col­umn.  In 1988, she was hired by Prav­da for the cov­et­ed post of Chief His­to­ry Edi­tor, in which po­si­tion she per­formed with such mas­tery dur­ing her five-year tenure that many of her read­ers re­main un­con­vinced of the Sovi­et Union’s col­lapse.

Her ex­ten­sive re­search on the Unit­ed States and its peo­ple made her a lead­ing Sovi­et ex­pert, with her books on the sub­ject wide­ly re­spect­ed for their schol­ar­ship and com­pre­hen­sive de­tail.  In 1994, she vis­it­ed the Unit­ed States for the first time and has stayed on since, de­spite the coun­try’s many fac­tu­al er­rors.