World Frowns upon Nuclear Test

Unit­ed Na­tions---Stern re­bukes world­wide fol­lowed North Korea's lat­est nu­cle­ar test on Tues­day. The Unit­ed Na­tions, in par­tic­u­lar, has con­veyed a dis­ap­point­ed tone and frown­ing de­meanor. It warns that even sharp­er crit­i­cisms may fol­low any fur­ther provo­ca­tions.

This is the third known nu­cle­ar test by the char­ter Ax­is of Evil mem­ber. Past ex­pres­sions of dis­ap­proval by oth­er coun­tries had been hoped to pre­vent fur­ther tests, but to no avail as the world has now seen. Fur­ther sanc­tions, ex­pres­sions of un­hap­pi­ness, and out­right so­cial cuts di­rect may next be at­tempt­ed. It is hoped that the in­creased in­ten­si­ty of these will have some im­pact.