Heading into the presidential election postseason, the Romney Corporation faced two serious obstacles. The first was an incumbent president only faintly despised within his own party. The second was a credibility gap among conservative voters who feared that beneath the Republican nominee's calm and rational exterior lay an equally calm and rational interior.
But by Monday, September 17, a third and far more perilous obstacle had revealed itself in the form of an excruciating 51-minute video of bland jokes, ponderous digressions, and stilted banter, against a soul-crushing backdrop of seat-squirming dullitude.
It has been reported elsewhere that several highly offensive and politically self-damaging remarks from Romney were also to be heard in the film, but this reviewer did not make it that far. Doubtless these shall be analyzed to the point of inanity in the popular press, but to no great purpose. There exists only one truly unforgivable sin in American politics: the cardinal sin of boredom.