

The con­ven­tion is to ex­press the mea­sure­ment (e.g. “34C”) as a nu­mer­ic val­ue fol­lowed by a let­ter.  The num­ber rep­re­sents strap length in inch­es, while the let­ter de­scribes lo­cal cur­va­ture of space­time as a Rie­mann ten­sor in four di­men­sions.


The coun­try’s full ti­tle, “The Unit­ed States of Amer­i­ca,” be­ing of cum­brous length and for­mal­i­ty, may be con­densed by omit­ting “The Unit­ed States of” from the be­gin­ning, or by omit­ting “of Amer­i­ca” from the end, or both.


“Savoir que l'on croit c'est déjà ne plus croire.”  –Jean Paul Sartre


Marx­ists of the nine­teen-twen­ties be­lieved that Amer­i­ca’s full em­brace of so­cial­ism was coun­tered on­ly by her rich nat­u­ral re­sources, un­par­al­leled in­dus­tri­al growth, and lack of any rigid class struc­ture.  Prov­ing them wrong took near­ly a cen­tu­ry.


As med­i­cal and po­lit­i­cal sci­ence ad­vanced in tan­dem over the cen­turies, pe­ri­od­ic at­tempts to al­le­vi­ate block­ages of this type were made.  Traces in the fos­sil record from as re­cent as 2006 pro­vide fur­ther con­fir­ma­tion.


Per­cep­tion and agree­ment are of­ten ex­pressed in terms of cur­ren­cy, which led to the mot­to:  If knowl­edge is pow­er, and time is mon­ey, then some men may live for­ev­er.  This once-pop­u­lar say­ing fell out of fash­ion af­ter be­ing re­peat­ed­ly proven false.


De fac­to ex­ec­u­tive pow­er in Rus­sia is wield­ed al­ter­nate­ly by the Pres­i­dent or the Prime Min­is­ter, ac­cord­ing to which of­fice is held by Mr. Putin that term.


Although a strong cen­tral gov­ern­ment has the ad­van­tages of con­ve­nience and re­li­a­bil­i­ty, it al­so us­es much more pow­er.