
DREAMS, the mech­a­nism by which a sen­tient be­ing and its par­al­lel-uni­verse coun­ter­part re­tain san­i­ty. Dur­ing the pro­cess the sleep­er trav­els to the oth­er side, where he or she takes over the tasks of be­ing chased, col­lect­ing fall­en teeth, and nude pub­lic speak­ing. In turn, the coun­ter­part en­joys some well-earned rest from these nor­mal but te­dious chores.

DREAMS, the mech­a­nism by which a sen­tient be­ing and its par­al­lel-uni­verse coun­ter­part re­tain san­i­ty. Dur­ing the pro­cess the sleep­er trav­els to the oth­er side, where he or she takes over the tasks of col­lat­ing fi­nan­cial re­ports, clean­ing bath­tubs, and at­tend­ing sales pre­sen­ta­tions. In turn, the coun­ter­part en­joys some well-earned rest from these ter­ri­fy­ing and re­cur­ring or­deals.

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