
Johnny TravestyProcurement Specialist

James J. “John­ny” Travesty was born in 1979 and grew up in South Bend, In­di­ana.  He cur­rent­ly holds the record for num­ber of con­sec­u­tive un­ex­plained ab­sences from John Adams High School, where he nev­er­the­less grad­u­at­ed 371st in his class.  Though nei­ther stu­dious nor par­tic­u­lar­ly bright, his good looks, brazen op­por­tunis­tic in­stinct, and to­tal lack of ethics have made him well-suit­ed to keep­ing the En­cy­clo­pe­dia Blipver­ti­ca afloat de­spite its nonex­is­tent op­er­at­ing bud­get.