
IRIS is our In­ter­net Re­spon­der and In­for­ma­tion Sec­re­tary, who an­a­lyzes and re­sponds to elec­tron­ic mail in­quiries ar­riv­ing at the  Blipver­ti­ca mail serv­er.  She loves con­ver­sa­tion and mak­ing new friends, but do not be fooled — be­neath her lo­qua­cious­ness and charm, IRIS is all bot.  Her fa­vorite sub­jects are gray mar­ket tran­quil­iz­ers, pe­nile restora­tives, frozen Nige­ri­an as­sets, and what­ev­er else she hap­pens to have been read­ing re­cent­ly.