
Charlotte A. CavaticaWeb Administrator

Char­lotte A. Ca­vat­i­ca was one of the very ear­ly pi­o­neers of web-based so­cial net­work­ing.  It was of­ten said that a sin­gle well-placed word from her held the pow­er of life and death, and that one was wise nev­er to fall out of her fa­vor.

A wid­ow from the tiny coastal town of Brook­lin, Maine, she en­joys the cool, dry en­vi­ron­ment of her base­ment of­fice at the En­cy­clo­pe­dia Blipver­ti­ca, where she di­vides her time be­tween the web site and her daugh­ters Eleanor, Joy, and Aranea.