
Craig LennoxFounding Editor

The mod­ern English-lan­guage en­cy­clo­pe­dia has a proud his­to­ry span­ning over a quar­ter of a mil­len­ni­um, guid­ed by a sin­gle virtue: aca­dem­ic in­tegri­ty.   It has achieved its sta­tus as trust­ed repos­i­to­ry of hu­man knowl­edge by its stead­fast re­jec­tion, with­out bias or agen­da, of all that is un­proven, un­sub­stan­ti­at­ed, and su­per­sti­tious.

Fac­tu­al ac­cu­ra­cy, sci­en­tif­ic va­lid­i­ty, rig­or­ous schol­ar­ship: these are the hal­lowed hall­marks of en­cy­clo­pe­dic tra­di­tion.   And they are pre­cise­ly what we shall have none of here at the En­cy­clo­pe­dia Blipver­ti­ca.

We won’t bury you un­der a moun­tain of so-called facts, on­ly to have to re­vise them lat­er as the po­lit­i­cal or sci­en­tif­ic cli­mate changes.   Pub­lish­ers such as Bri­tan­ni­ca have been play­ing this con game for cen­turies, trap­ping their cus­tomers in­to pay­ing for an end­less cy­cle of new edi­tions whose con­tents be­come ob­so­lete long be­fore their gild­ed leather bind­ings show a spot of wear.

Nor do we make any pre­tense of im­par­tial­i­ty or neu­tral­i­ty.   There is an­oth­er site called Wikipedia where they do that sort of thing.   A lot.   We high­ly rec­om­mend a vis­it for those suf­fer­ing in­som­nia, or who sim­ply have a lot of time and en­joy read­ing words.   But nowhere on any of Wikipedia’s 23,722,594,086 pages[citation needed] shall you find a sin­gle word about the im­mi­nent col­lapse of civ­i­liza­tion.   So much for neu­tral­i­ty!

We at the En­cy­clo­pe­dia Blipver­ti­ca make you a sim­ple promise.   We won’t sup­press im­por­tant in­for­ma­tion sim­ply be­cause it’s un­pop­u­lar or un­sub­stan­ti­at­ed or com­plete­ly ab­surd.   Or pos­si­bly con­tra­dicts an es­tab­lished fact of some sort.   Nor shall we hide our agen­da, which is to pro­vide the kind of last­ing knowl­edge as could sur­vive a Dark Age, and re­main just as valid and rel­e­vant as it was on the day we cre­at­ed it.

That’s a promise you can count on.   God help you should you ev­er need to.